What is Sales Enablement?

Align your teams. Prepare to scale. Ensure predictability. Increase revenue.

Sell the way people want to buy.

The Inbound Sales Methodology covers every step of the buyer’s journey - from stranger to customer, and each corresponding salesperson action. The new methodology acknowledges that Inbound Sales don’t just happen – you make them happen. And, you do that by using tools that help you personalize the sales process to appeal to the right leads, in the right places, at just the right time in their buying journey.

Inbound Sales Methodology

What do our sales enablement services look like?

Sales enablement is giving sales teams the ability to sell by providing the goals, processes, systems, technology, and content
needed to improve sales and marketing performance to increase revenue for the organization.

Sales goals


Define your metrics and align on your goals.

Without a goal, the organization has no heading to aim towards. Your sales and marketing teams
must agree on the important objectives to reach your revenue goals. We’ll define what metrics
matter most and how they will be tracked to ensure everyone is always on the same page.


Document your process and build accountability.

The key to a predictable pipeline is a repeatable process. We work with you to understand each
step in the sales process to make sure there is a logical, scalable flow. Then make sure that it is
documented and the whole team is bought in on what they need to do.

Sales Process
Sales Systems


Implement the “who, what, when, and how”.

Your process is the big picture, and the systems are what makes it happen. We’ll help your team
know all of the details about who, what, when, and how the process works. Create
cross-departmental alignment and increase accountability and buy-in when everyone
understands their role on the team.


Give your team the right tools for the job.

Automate and scale the process and systems that we have put in place with innovative tools. We’ll
implement and train your team on the best technology to collect more data and close more deals.

Sales Technology
Sales content


Create, optimize, and track your team’s content.

Content without context is useless. With a process and system in place, we will ensure all content
finds its place and is optimized to help your sales and marketing teams to close more deals.


Prepare for a team that can scale.

We aim to create a team culture of alignment, accountability, and growth so your team can
continue to improve their efficiency and consistently hit their goals. Prepare your team to scale
through repeatable documentation for training and constant iteration.

Sales Culture

What really matters...the results.

Mike Flebotte

Mike Flebotte


Hüify’s sales enablement methodology has helped iControl to more effectively engage with leads in real time - while they are engaging with our content via our website or social media. This more streamlined approach to inbound leads has aligned the principles of inbound with more traditional sales methodologies.

Derek Davis

Derek Davis


I was enthused about the knowledge Team Hüify was able to provide to our sales/marketing team. They offered an extensive inbound sales training process which I found beneficial. I would recommend their exceptional services to anyone.

Get Started With
Sales Enablement

Hüify is ready to help you define your goals and create a plan to hit
those goals. Get in touch with a Hüify Sales Enablement expert by
filling out the form.