Inbound marketing works by attracting potential customers to your company website. Once they arrive, inbound tools are deployed to convert those qualified visitors into leads, and ultimately customers who will promote your brand.
Traditional outbound marketing, such as TV or radio advertising, can be an annoyance to potential customers. It's also famously inefficient. Inbound is the antidote, because with inbound your ideal customers come to you, on their own time and by their own will. That makes for happy customers.
You don't just want any old traffic to your website, you want the right traffic. You want potential customers who have a passion for the area you operate in. To identify these people we create buyer personas, being holistic, semi-fictional representation of your ideal customers. Your buyer personas are the identities around whom your entire business is built. Here's how we use inbound marketing to attract them.
It's not enough to just draw a new visitor to your site. The important part is to convert that visitor into a sales lead, by collecting their details through a form. To make that happen, you'll need an enticing offer in the form of value-added content, which appeals directly to your buyer persona. Here's how the conversion stage plays out.
So you've attracted your ideal customers and converted them into leads. Now you need to transform those leads into paying customers. These are the tools we use to close a deal and refine our methods at every stage.
The buyer's journey continues after a deal is done. Inbound marketers should set out to delight their closed customers to the point where they want to promote your brand, and potentially serve as evangelists, afterwards. Return business is never bad either, along with the opportunity to upsell to an existing customer or client. Here are a few methods we use to delight our customers at Hüify.
Content Creation
Targeted content that answers your customer’s basic questions and needs.
We don’t just want to get your company amazing results. We want you to understand why our methods work and help you learn to love them as much as we do. Start now and request a consultation to get a free inbound marketing plan for your business.