Which is more important, getting leads or properly following up on them?
I’m sure that many dollars and research hours have been spent by big companies trying to determine which part is more profitable to focus on.
But the question, and the inquiry, fundamentally misses the point. Those two goals work together. They depend on each other. It’s why we shifted our business model from a traditional inbound marketing agency to one that also offers sales enablement services.
The truth is that all the leads in the world mean nothing if you’re not following up with them in a timely and effective manner. And you’re not following up on them correctly if you’re taking longer than a few minutes.
Think of the 5 Minute Follow Up as the pinnacle of alignment between your company’s marketing and sales teams. It is exactly what it says: A system for your sales team to follow up on every web-generated inbound lead within 5 minutes of a lead filling out a BOFU (Bottom of the Funnel) form. Here’s a flowchart that we use for the process.
To understand why following up within 5 minutes is so crucial to the sales process, you must only glance at the data. The reality is that:
Not only that, but a study of U.S. companies found that only 26.1% respond within 5 minutes.
Having a refined lead follow up process differentiates you from the competition. It does so by conveying the impression that you are a timely, efficient company that’s serious about how it conducts itself. The 5 Minute system also increases the likelihood of your sales team qualifying a lead. That translates into more revenue.
Setting up the 5 Minute Follow Up takes some finesse. It’s much more than just making sure that a lead’s information is entered into the CRM, and a sales team member promptly follows up with them.
Automating certain aspects of your lead follow up process with software like Hubspot, Zapier, Slack, PandaDoc, etc. can help you streamline and get it into 5 Minute territory. But remember, what really makes this process effective is a solid, well-documented process and a great team of people.
Want to learn more about the 5 Minute Follow Up process? Watch Hüify co-founder and Chairman, Josh Harcus, break down why and how to implement an immediate follow up process.
Additionally, if you're wondering whether your sales process is up to par, get a free assessment from us and find out.