[Podcast] The Hard Truth About Finding the Right People to Grow Your Company


[Podcast] The Hard Truth About Finding the Right People to Grow Your Company

There are a multitude of challenges to overcome and problems to solve when taking on the project of growing your business. It’s is considered one of the hardest things to do in the business world, and not without cause.

Whether you are a scrappy start-up or a fortune 500 company, you have to find the right people...

People who not only fit the job opening, but also fit your company culture and are motivated by the right causes. This is by no means an easy task.

In this podcast, Scott Meyer; CEO of Ghostery, talks about his experience growing his company. Our team is fortunate enough to be experiencing an awesome amount of growth, so this one truly resonated with us.

Take a listen:

Here are a few highlights from this episode (click on the time-stamp to jump to that part of the episode):
  • Ghostery’s growth and how they’re able to get 30,000 - 60,000 new users every single day (2:00)
  • Why transparency matters and the importance of hiring employees who are aligned with your mission (3:30)
  • Dealing with September 11th at work in New York and his lessons on breaking hard news to your team (9:00)
  • Why he still makes time to interview every new hire and what his interview style is (13:00)
  • Growing About.com from $36 million to $103 million during Scott’s time as CEO after The New York Times acquisition (18:00)
  • Why process shouldn’t be feared (21:00)
  • The biggest misconception about growth (22:00)
  • Why he makes it a priority to talk to at least one customer and one prospect every week (23:30)
  • How he runs weekly meetings with his direct reports (25:00)
  • How he unplugs and balances his work with family life (27:00)

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source: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/ghostery-growth-podcast

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