The Huify Blog

Stuff we care so much about that you probably should too.

Kyle Ginthner August 13TH 2013

Personal Branding: Controlling Your Online Presence (3 Easy Steps)

With nearly 75 percent of recruiters required to do an online check of potential employees, it is now more important than ever to maintain a clean...

Ethan Warlick March 26TH 2013

The Art of Social Media Storytelling (A Campfire Story)

When thinking about the art of storytelling, I envision a group of individuals gathered around a campfire, swapping funny and relatable experiences...

Ethan Warlick March 14TH 2013

What is a Commünity Manager?

Here at Hüify, we train our team to be the most knowledgeable and creative Community Managers. You may be asking yourself, what is a Community...

Kyle Ginthner February 21ST 2013

Harlem Shake Shrinks the Virality Timeline

No, you won’t have to watch us do our own version of the dance sweeping Youtube, however it is interesting to look at how fast the video went viral...

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Josh Harcus February 20TH 2013

Facebook SDK - What Developers Need To Know In 2013

Yesterday, Doug Purdy, Director of Platform Product at Facebook, was interviewed as a part of the Facebook Developers Live talk series. In his...

Ethan Warlick January 31ST 2013

How to use Facebook’s Graph Search!

Everybody’s talking, blogging and tweeting about it – but do you know how it works? Team Hüify has had the opportunity to beta-test Facebook’s Graph...

Ethan Warlick January 30TH 2013

Starbucks vs. local cafés [Infographic]

Our friends at Spotistic put their skills and Fourscan data scientists toward mapping similarities between local cafe's and Starbucks locations. By...

Josh Harcus January 21ST 2013

Facebook Mobile [Infographic]

Curious how big mobile really is on Facebook? Check out this infographic from Qwaya [image...

Ethan Warlick January 18ND 2013

Content Marketing - The Voice of Your Business

Social media has given companies a life-like presence online and content marketing serves as the businesses voice to consumers. As digital business...

Ethan Warlick February 11TH 2011

Lookalike Audiences: The Rise of Facebook Marketing

Facebook must have had quite a list of resolutions for 2013! Not two months into this new year and they have released Graph Search in beta testing...

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