In today’s business environment, it goes without saying that you need to have a great website. In addition though, the fact of the matter is that you 100% need to invest in mobile marketing.
Most people don’t go an hour without using their smartphone to jump online. If you’re not actively trying to convert these users, you’re inviting competitors to overtake you. Fortunately, mobile marketing is as easy as ever and the following techniques will prove it.
Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile Friendly
This is, without a doubt, the most important thing you can do, if you haven’t already. The majority of websites out there were designed to work on laptops and desktop computers. If people visit your site through a mobile device, then, they may get a very different view of your site.
While that site may still provide your guests with all the essentials, lacking mobile features is sure to drive them away. Instead, you need a site that will be mobile-friendly. Most platforms offer this functionality as soon as you sign up. Otherwise, invest in a developer who will make this happen ASAP.
Keep It Simple
Having a site that will work for mobile devices is one thing. However, you also need to take into consideration that navigating your site on a tablet or phone is much different than doing it with a mouse and keyboard.
Ease of navigation is always something you should be reaching for. Google has ensured it’s one of the most important factors related to SEO, so even if mobile use wasn’t essential, it would still be worth making sure your site is easy to click around on.
With mobile marketing, this is more important than ever. Once it’s mobile friendly, spend some time testing it out and seeing where bottlenecks may exist. You want users to know that your site is their best choice because it’s so easy to use.
Target New Owners
Although most people may own a smartphone at the moment or even a tablet, new devices come out every day. We’re not just talking about new iPhones or Kindles either, but whole new types of machines.
Target these users aggressively. Many of them may be buying a mobile device for the first time. With mobile marketing, you can make a great first impression to the world of constant connectivity by offering deals on your products or services. Eventually, every company will target them with their mobile marketing campaign, but being the first can make a huge difference.
Be Smart with Text Messaging
One immediate benefit that comes with mobile marketing is that you can text your customers on their phone. There are countless ways to get their number, though usually you provide them with something in return (a newsletter is often enough).
Just because they gave you their number, though, doesn’t mean they want to hear from you 24/7. Remember, each message is essentially taking them away from whatever they were doing. If every time they sit down to have dinner with their family, their device goes off with a message from your company, expect you’ll be losing numbers quickly.
Instead, make sure that every message you send will be a welcomed one. You need to offer them something each time their phone makes a noise. While this doesn’t have to be a discount of sorts or something else that will cost you, it also can’t be a simple reminder that you’d love their money in the near future.
Mobile marketing is no longer an option. However, don’t rush ahead into this new world without doing your due diligence. The above tips will help you get more from your company’s mobile campaign.
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