Maximizing Your Facebook Post Reach Without Spending


There is something funky going on with your Facebook Page, isn’t there? You have this great following of people but everything you share and update to this audience on Facebook just isn’t getting through to them. What’s going on? We’ll use this scenario as an example to frame it further: You’ve worked hard and have built a following of 100 people. Now you’re excited to share some updates about your business with your new audience of 100, right?! Nope.

Facebook limits how many people will see that post. There are several reasons why with incentivizing paid ads and to keep newsfeeds from getting overwhelming being major reasons. Let’s revisit that example—So how many people will see that post out of your following of 100? 10 will. Typically, 10% of your following will see a post without you having to pay for ads.

Maximizing Your Facebook Posts Reach Without Spending

How do you beat this? Here are five key ways to do it.

Foster an Active Community

Facebook hasn’t fully handicapped your posts’ reach from getting seen by your audience—you can attain a higher reach if your post is being interacted with. This means, likes, shares and comments. Ask questions in each post and seek a comment at every opportunity—keep them coming back. Any engagements are looked upon as validation to Facebook and they reward a post with unveiling it to more people. Build a community environment and create a setting that welcomes interaction and you will see posts gain better reach.

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Use Insights

By using the insights tool on your Facebook Page you can see when your users are online. To do this you will need to be on your Facebook Page and then click “Insights” at the top of the page. After that, click “Posts” on the side bar. Using this tool will allow you to see what times are optimal to share your content. Simply by posting your content when most of your audience is online, will allow more people to see it.

Facebook Video

Facebook is currently making a HUGE push for video on it’s own platform. This means videos that are being posted are being rewarded and gain more reach as it’s part of a new initiative. Integrate more video and you’ll not only be creating engaging content, but will be reaching a larger audience. On the flipside, do not share YouTube videos as the reach on those is severely limited.

Maximizing Your Facebook Posts Reach Without Spending

SEE MORE: Video for Business Crash Course

Live Posting

Posts that are published instantly instead of scheduled out have exhibited marginally better reach. I would still suggest that you schedule as it is more efficient and scaleable, but keeping this in your back pocket for a handful of exceptionally important posts can be helpful.

Find a Cadence

Frequency of your posting can kill you “reach”. There is no science with what an ideal frequency is for a Facebook page as it comes down to a by page/brand basis. Unless your page has more than 150,000 page likes then you should not exceed no more than two posts a day that have several hours in between. But remember, that’s the limit you can push it to, not what you need to do. Some pages can achieve an optimized reach with three or four posts a week and others will get there at one a day.

To put it simply, you will need to test it and assimilate yourself into a cadence through trial and error. Pages can reach a new “default reach” (unofficial term) of upwards to 28% by simply finding a good pace for posts to be shared.

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