The fact that we work hard at Hüify is uncontestable. It’s no secret that happy employees are productive employees, so we run with it. Besides the fact that working for an inbound marketing agency is just about the most exciting, cutting-edge, innovative career out there, there is a continuous stream of fun external activities that accompany the job. Bonding through meaningful work and fun team-building outings are what shape who we are. Here’s a peek into how we keep each other smiling at Hüify.
Team Lunches
I’ll start with the most simple teambuilding staple, but it is perhaps the most impactful. Mondays and Fridays are our decided-upon team lunch days (bought by Hüify). Mondays are generally in-office, and Fridays are generally outings to various spots in a radius around our HQ. These serve multiple purposes: fill our growling bellies and keep our minds sharp and focused on client deliverables, keep us immersed in the tasks that will further delight our customers, and give employees the appropriate window to chat off-topic about their cats and silly stories. Travel time is saved, fingers stay on the keyboard (as well as maybe some mustard and chip crumbles), and our minds are still on the prize.
What fuels our stellar bods, you might ask? McCallisters Deli, Corbetts Burgers, Okami Sushi and Jimmy Johns.
Book Club
Once a week, the Team Hüify book club convenes. We have read books that speak to organization-building and growth, starting with The Marketing Agency Blueprint, by Paul Roetzer. A team discussion leader is elected for each book starting with Hüify’s founder, Josh, who sends questions ahead of time to help guide the conversation and maximize our takeaway from each read. As an ever-growing, ever-learning agency, it is important that we feed our minds with best practices, strategic perspectives and collaborative topics to stay on top of things for Hüify's benefit and the benefit of our clients.
Amusement Park
To celebrate our 3 year milestone our team decided to blow off steam at Jungle Rapids. Jungle Rapids essentially contains every awesome attraction you have ever experienced in one place. There’s a water park, laser tag, go-carts, an arcade, mini-golf, and a drop tower––and then us. It’s important to unleash the inner kid and bond with your team when expectations are little more than not staying in the lazy river the whole time.
Building Stuff
We are very handy here. Not only did we piece together our own Herman Miller and IKEA furniture, but we made our own COMPUTER (soon to be plural). We opted for custom “Hackintoshes” and Youtube for direction to do our best job for our clients. Patience was a byproduct of the process, and sharing it with each other made us stronger and more persistent. Working together toward a common goal is what we do, after all! Aside from the infrastructure, we also spend time beautifying our office with wall decor and bright blue paint. We want to be proud of where our clients meet us.
While we are building stuff physically and building relationships with clients, we are building and reinforcing our relationships with each other. A tight team that communicates well and feels valued can accomplish so much more than a handful of humans shuffling in and out of an office at 9 and 5. In fact, this post is going live at 7 pm because I am still at Hüify HQ working, with my whole team by my side, loving it.
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