We’ve all got our outsourcing scars. We bare them with indignance as a reminder to never let another developer hurt us like that again. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
To successfully outsource work, there are certain steps one must follow to ensure things pan out the way you want––or as close to as possible. Outsourcing can be a wonderful opportunity for your agency to provide value that it previously could not. But working with outside talent on a project can be stressful, there are foreseen hiccups and communication barriers to overcome. To avoid these and successfully outsource work, the following things must occur:
Have a basic understanding of the work you’re outsourcing
Whether it’s written content or html, you have to know the basics. It’s fine to seek outside resources to do project work, but if you don’t understand the fundamentals of the work produced, you can’t quality check. Recognizing quality work becomes equally as important as producing it.
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Be clear with your requests and expectations
Going in, clearly explain the desired end result, clarify deadlines and quality of work expectations, and don’t skimp on providing them with the resources your contactor needs. Descriptive outlines to work off of are extremely beneficial.
Test the waters if possible
If the project work looks as though it will be recurring, make the investment to vet your outsourced talent. Start with smaller projects to minimize potential losses (heaven forbid) and gauge the caliber of work before moving onto larger, more important tasks.
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Communicate well
Don’t ignore your contactor! Answer their questions, give them the resources they need if possible, and reciprocate respectful working standards. Check in regularly (or again, state clearly that you would like updates along the way), set benchmarks, and keep your end of the bargain.
Establish a relationship
If you can, continue working with the same talent. Establishing a rapport with your outsourced agency or contractor is a huge benefit. If you’re ever in a bind and need a quick turnaround, having a positive history to fall back on gives you a pretty good chance of getting just that. People don’t bend over backwards for names on an invoice, but they might go the extra mile for someone they’ve gotten to know.
It's as simple as that! Said no one ever while outsourcing work. But it's a start.