When deciding on marketing strategies gets tough, we can always depend on inbound having our backs. Why? Because it works and it gives you more bang for your buck than outbound marketing. Too often, though, we discuss the sole benefits of implementing inbound over outbound without discussing the benefits of combining both!
What would happen if your business chose to combine the best practices of inbound and outbound marketing? Could the two methods co-exist brilliantly to provide you with the best strategic marketing plan around?
The answer is YES.
A well rounded B2B Marketing Plan can include both inbound and outbound strategies. By doing so, you will dramatically increase the number of views, shares and overall number of potential customers reached.
Inbound Marketing builds trust and gives your leads the preference to choose your brand before they are even in the buying process. But how do you get those leads in the first place? By using outbound techniques. Outbound marketing means that you are paying for advertising, on or offline. Advertisements and pay per click marketing should be used to increase awareness of your inbound efforts, thereby increasing your lead base.
This Process has 4 Steps:
1. Start with a Successful Inbound Marketing Campaign.
You should already have a proven inbound strategy in place. SEO and a strong social media presence are essential. Have your analytics in place and up to date so that you can measure how your outbound tactics measure up against your originally successful result.
2. Add Outbound Tactics.
Start off by adding advertising features to your Social Media efforts, boost your posts on Facebook and tweets on Twitter. Facebook Boosts can cost as low as five cents per click, but as you add in your targeting preferences, such as demographics, it can become costly. Luckily, Facebook’s bidding system will help your business reach the highest click through rates at the lowest costs. Advertise your blog posts by regularly tweeting them out, then boosting those tweets to reach your targeted audience. Pay specific attention to your ad placement and make sure they are directed towards the right people. Lastly, with a strong inbound strategy in place, gaining new website sponsorships will also help increase your brand awareness.
3. Greater Exposure Equals More Shares.
Exposing your brand and products at a greater rate will increase the amount of prospective leads, who will share and talk about your brand to others. Targeted advertising efforts combined with quality content will greatly increase the amount of social media activity and amount of shares.
4. Cultivate the Growth in Your Subscriber Base.
This explosion of activity will greatly affect your lead generation process and growing your subscriber base. As your new targeted audience becomes familiar with your brand and product offering, they will likely visit your website and be receptive to your marketing efforts. Once they reach that point in the sales funnel, they will enter the conversion process and go from being a lead to becoming a happy customer! See how your efforts are paying off with our free marketing grade.
Following these steps create a Win-Win situation for your business and your prospective buyers. This combined strategy will give you the benefits of boosting your overall brand recognition, capturing your target audience, and landing more customers. Using inbound marketing techniques will help your business efficiently work towards a unified goal. Could it get any better than that?
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