Memes: You may know of them and the power they wield. They are a highly integrated facet of internet culture that have been popular for almost as long as cat photos.
So just what are memes? The term "meme" (rhymes with "dream") was created by Richard Dawkins in the 1970's to reference an idea or behavior that perpetuates through a culture. The root of the word is shared with "mime." On the internet it refers to an image or idea that is passed between individuals on social media platforms and other websites. Internet memes can go through phases and often start with a "viral" phase in which a meme can become very popular by spreading rapidly on sites such as Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, and others.
Why are they used so much? Memes are often comprised of a simple image with a short sentence or phrase written over or around it. They are easy to digest and easy to pass on to others. Many memes have some sort of pop culture reference, but not always. Using and understanding memes can be a way of belonging to the internet culture.
So what does this have to do with Inbound Marketing? Using memes in your social media campaigns can be a great way to attract traffic - IF you use them wisely. Despite their silly nature, the internet has imposed a set of rules to which we must all abide when it comes to creating and using memes, whether they're for sharing with your Facebook friends or your business' Twitter account. Here are the Do's and Don'ts of using memes:
DO Your Research.
Have you ever had a parent try to make a pop culture reference and totally miss the mark? How did it make you feel? That's how the internet feels, but they don't have to spare your feelings. In the age of information the internet is not forgiving of ignorance. Each meme has its own specific meaning that must be adhered to. Learn the joke or you'll just look stupid. Know Your Meme, a part of the Cheezburger network, is a site that has compiled extensive research on the meaning and origins of popular memes.
DO Take advantage of viral trends.
Internet memes go through phases. Though some may experience revivals now and then, most will go through a viral period before fading away into oblivion. Pay attention and use popular memes on your social media pages - if they're relevant, of course.
DON'T Stretch the boundaries too much.
Like I said, memes have rules that must be followed. Misusing and abusing memes will lead you down a dark path of uncertainty and saddened puppies. Stick to their original use and don't fudge the formatting.
DON'T Overdo it.
You "get it." We get it. There's a fine line between being the awesome company that uses memes sometimes and being "that guy" who posts nothing but. Don't get spammy and remember you're trying to be a grownup.
DO Have fun with it.
Don't be afraid to get a little silly. Remake classics with your coworkers. Tell your customers that all their base are belong to you. Stock your office with darth vader helmets. Internet memes are a fun way to communicate online that can also contribute to building the online culture of your business, so take this opportunity to browse and call it research. We'll back you up.