Five Inbound Marketers You Should Be Following


Who do you look to for advice?

Is it your mom or dad? Maybe a sibling or cousin. How about a comic book superhero? Superman is a great choice since he can deflect bullets with his chest, but he doesn’t know much about marketing.

When it comes to Inbound Marketing, here are 5 people you should be following to help encourage your success in the industry. Each of these individuals has incredible potential and have proven themselves in the Inbound Marketing realm.

brianhalligan1. Brian Halligan, CEO & Founder of HubSpot

Meet Brian Halligan, the CEO & Founder of HubSpot, the world’s largest online tool for Inbound Marketing. Brian also lectures at MIT on Entrepreneurial Product Development and Marketing. He is a renowned author of two books: Marketing Lessons From the Grateful Dead and Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs. Since it’s founding, HubSpot has accumulated over 10,000 customers. That’s insane! Follow Brian on Twitter - @bhalligan

arjunmoorthy2. Arjun Moorthy, VP of Business Development at HubSpot

Arjun, aka “Juice” Moorthy, is the Vice President of Business Development and Partner Products at HubSpot. Working with large software companies, Arjun oversees strategic partnership efforts for inbound marketing. Find Arjun on his personal blog,, or on Twitter - @juicemoorthy

parkershort3. Parker Short, Business Development and Technical Lead at Jaxzen Marketing

Parker began his marketing career in Austin, TX with a startup business. He has experience in all areas of digital marketing, including marketing strategy, web strategy, email automation, and social media. Parker has a passion for entrepreneurship and startup businesses and is one of the most highly talented marketers in the industry. He is also certified by HubSpot Academy in Inbound Marketing. Follow Parker on Twitter - @Parker_Short

petecashmore4. Pete Cashmore, Founder & CEO of Mashable

Originally from Scotland, Pete Cashmore is a very well-known figure in social media.. In 2005, he founded Mashable, the leading source of news, information, and resources for the “Connected Generation”. Pete’s passion for sharing how web tools and social networks were transforming human interactions lead him to create Mashable. He was featured on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list and named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in 2012. Follow Pete on Twitter - @petecashmore

rachelgoodman5. Rachel Goodman, Instructor and Marketing Professional

Rachel Goodman is a graduate of Trinity College in Hartford, CT where she obtained a degree in Neuroscience with a Psychology concentration. Although receiving her degree in the sciences, Rachel realized that what truly motivated her was not just studying how neurological and psychological function influence everyday lives, but instead actually playing an active role in improving peoples' lives by helping to change the ways learners think and teachers guide their students. Rachel instructs online courses in HubSpot Academy for the Inbound Certification course. Follow her on Twitter - @GoodmanRE

Maybe you’ve never heard of these people, maybe you have.

Following them will be a great eye-opener into the Inbound Marketing industry. Whether you’re a startup business owner or CEO of a multi-million dollar company, this is an introduction to what Inbound is all about.


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