Today we grab more of Gary Vee's questions and help you guys out! We discuss personal branding, using Facebook pages for a personal brand and preparing for a company retreat.
Today on the AskJoshHarcus show we're borrowing some questions from Gary Vee (thanks Gary Vee, tip off the hat) and we're covering personal branding, how to manage a brand and how to run an awesome company retreat.
Question: Austin asks, "What is the smoothest way to transition posting from your personal Facebook page to your fan page? or post on both?
Answer: Great question Austin, it really just depends on where you want to invest the most and where you want to want to have the most value come from. If you've invested a lot of time already into a personal page, and you are seeing good results from that, then double down on it—invest a lot in posting there.
If you have a lot of history on your personal page and not your business page, then focus on building more of a community. Of course you are capped at 5,000 friends, but you are not capped at how many followers you have. You can look at really interesting people that are thought leaders, that have done this Robert Scoble being one of them where he posts everything on his personal Facebook profile. Because he can have followers and because he can do Facebook live all from that profile, he gets a lot of awesome traction from it.
Now myself in particular, I have a business page, Josh Harcus, and then my personal Facebook page. I have 10,000 followers on my business page and I have 5,000 followers on my personal profile. What I like to do is if it's a video that I'm uploading, I like to put that on my Facebook Business Page, and then I'll re-share it from my personal page. If I'm doing Facebook live because I can't do that from the business, I'll do that from the personal page and then re-share it on the business page.
I would suggest figuring out, "Where do I want the most people going to? Where do I want everyone if I could only tell them one link? Where would I want them to go?" Then whatever you decide just double down there and fan out your content from you're focal point.
SEE ALSO: 3 Online Personalities You Need to Follow
Question: Riley asks, "What is the best way to scale a person Personal brand."
Answer: Great question Riley. Some of the things that you got to remember are people are only following you if they're getting value from you. The best way to do that would be to ask them outright, "How can I help you? What can I do for you?" A lot of times doing these kind of videos is great branding for me by fostering the Q&A sessions and providing advice.
A lot of people ask me for advice so if there's a certain area that you're finding people asking you a bunch of questions whether it's if you're a personal trainer or if you love gardening. So if a lot of people ask you gardening questions, you should start doing videos about gardening. It will be the same answer you give if you're in a one-on-one conversation but you can have an environment like this where you can record it and now multiple people can benefit from that one question—the best way to do it would be to start recording videos.
As far as the mediums that you want to do that in, it depends a little bit on your audience on who you want to grow your personal brand in right now. Snapchat is super hot, I highly suggest you focus on Snapchat. There's a lot of reasons for that but right now it's where the attention is going to be. Getting on Snapchat, providing insight with the gardening example, showing your garden on a regular basis providing updates giving some secret tips giving some insider knowledge—that's all very, very valuable and that gives people a lot of reasons to follow you.
Similar in the same way that Gary Vee is doing with Snapchat secrets. Do that but for whatever industry or whatever focus you have. Also I would say just curate an email list. The best way to harness the attention is to do it in mediums that convert the best. Snapchat converts really, really high, Instagram converts really really high, Twitter and Facebook less so.
Now with email if you can curate a really good list of people opting in because they're interested in your "floral secrets" or whatever it might be, or different areas that you find interesting. You can focus on curating an email list and then providing really great insight and then linking back or referencing things you mentioned in your Snapchat posts, in your Instagram posts whatever so people again will become more immersed with the content you have to offer.
SEE ALSO: How Snapchat is Becoming One of the Most Powerful Apps Today
Question: Joshua asked, "Upcoming sales team retreat with a satellite team. Key topics and objectives?"
Answer: Great question Joshua. So we just got back from our company retreat and we've been reading through a book called "Traction." Great book to read through. Mainly deals with communication issues with teams and how to build frameworks of how to facilitate good communication within teams.
So let's answer your actual question. The main objective of your retreat should be to accomplish three main things, unifying, empowering and launching. You should be focused on what are the goals that unify us so we all are on the same page of what's going on and where we're headed. Do we have the right tools to be empowered to reach those goals? Tools being worksheets, processes, software, hardware, teams, whatever it is that are the tools that'll help you reach those goals and then launching.
Those three objectives should be the main focus for every single retreat you have. If you do that at the end of the day you'll be good to go. One major key pro tip is make sure you take the time to plan out agendas for every single day of the retreat. Have a detailed plan on what you're going to be discussing. If you have multiple documents that you're referencing then link those documents in the agenda so everyone can get on their laptops and follow along together. That will keep everyone unified, empower them with the right tools so you can actually launch a successful retreat.
If you enjoyed this video, please feel free to like it and subscribe. Keep the questions coming, I'm happy to answer them.