Today we discuss how to grow your organization in a cost effective manner, how to get a job out of college and the hardest part of my day!
You asked questions... I answered them.
#AskJoshHarcus - Episode 5Today we discuss how to grow your organization in a cost effective manner, how to get a job out of college and the hardest part of my day! Got a question? Please ask :)
Posted by Josh Harcus on Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Greetings! We haven't put out one of these videos in a while but we're back. We just hired a couple of new people, super excited about that and hopefully we'll be putting a lot more of these videos out on a regular basis. The questions have been awesome that have been coming in, and today we're going to be covering how to provide impact with a local church (or non profit, you can take this and run with it), what's the best way to go about job hunting and what is the most challenging part of my day?
Question 1: Tom Asks, "Josh, how can we as churches increase our digital presence in a cost-sensitive and effective manner?"
Answer: One thing to keep in mind with any community, nonprofits, businesses, causes, or whatever is focusing on really reaching people where they're at. So you are not making them through a bunch of hurdles to get to where you are.
What we encourage people to do though is reach out through the means that exist aka utilize Facebook. Facebook's videos crucial right now, you might even be watching this on Facebook video. Start where they at and start with the communities already in. Everyone is on Facebook, everyone is on YouTube, everyone is on Instagram and those are perfect mediums to communicate a story. Instagram can do a 15 second video that's enough time to preview either a message that you've already recorded.
The great thing about churches is they're putting out weekly content (in the form of Sermons), and those can be recorded both in audio form and visual video form. For example, you can re-purpose both pulling out quotes and putting them as an Instagram post at a certain quote and passage, or from the scriptures that may have been impactful from that message.
For organizations that aren't churches think about ways that you are already producing content that you can re-purpose and turn into something that is public facing.
SEE ALSO: How Snapchat is Becoming One of the Most Powerful Apps Today
Question: Morgan Asks, "Advice for getting a job before graduation? When is the best time to apply? Getting a job with limited experience e.t.c."
Answer: Great question Morgan! Definitely going after new jobs is a very daunting task—especially if you are coming out of college where you don't necessarily have a lot of work experience. Truthfully you can never start too soon or too early going after new jobs. One of the biggest things you have to keep in mind is ways that you can provide the most value right out of the gate.
Most career opportunities and jobs aren't going to have expectations that you're going to come in as an expert—whether that's in marketing, in sales, operations, development, HR, you name it. They know you're going to learn while you're there and you're going to be slowly developed. That's why you're probably going to be paid a lot less than someone who has been in the field for a long time because the person in the field obviously is an expert whereas you are learning to be one.
Instead of trying to take your resume and turn it into, "This is how I am a quote and quote expert or this is how I am someone who is extremely knowledgeable about this," go after ways that you can provide value. Start establishing relationships with people. Every single job I've had, I probably had over 25 different jobs over my life so far, have come from connections that I've had.
There have been times that I've interviewed, put in a resume but it was usually with someone who I already had a connection with. It was rare that I put in a resume and got a job interview otherwise. People wanna hire and work with people they like, and so if you already have a relationship with them it's going to be a lot easier for them to actually hire you.
Question: Hogan asks, "What's the most challenging part of your day."
Answer: Most challenging part of my day? That's an awfully good question Hogan. I would say the most challenging part of my day is between the hours of 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Usually there's been a lot that's been going on, and at that point not only are you mentally usually pretty exhausted from all the meetings you've had and from all the discussions, but also you have a lot going on in your brain. It can be very hard to simplify everything that you've been working on and kind of break it down to the tasks that have the most value at that time.
You might have heard of a discussion earlier in the day about some new innovative software or you might have had a referral for a new potential person to hire, or you might have seen some new leads that you wanna do some more prospecting on. Whatever it is, there are just so many distractions. So between 3:00pm and 6:00pm, it can be hard to focus on what's is most meaningful for that day and also start to structure a to-do list or what the next day is going to hold.
Typically people will work anywhere between 8 to 12 hours on a given work day and so it can be hard to figure out how you're going to pack everything into one day. Even though that's an easy tendency, especially when you're working for a start-up or when you're working for you're own business. So I would say that time period is probably the hardest because you know that you're running out of those hours, and so you want to provide value but you also need to start planning for the next day, and what that is going to hold.
I want to provide as much value to you as possible. Doing video is very scalable and I think it can reach the most people, so keep posting your questions below and we'll keep answering them.