Anatomy of the World's Top-Performing CEOs [Infographic]


Using data compiled by the Harvard Business Review, Domo and created an infographic to show us what top-performing chief executives tend to look like and live like. Check out the infographic to see the interesting similarities.

Anatomy of the World's Top-Performing CEOs [Infographic]

What do the top CEOs have in common? Well, 99% have college degrees and 61% were college educated outside the U.S. Although many other similarities where found amongst the group, their differences were even more pronounced. 

Anatomy of the World's Top-Performing CEOs [Infographic]

Key Takeaway: Don't worry about fitting into a mold. The recipe for success looks different from person to person. Some people have an MBA, some people where educated in the UK, and just as many have a bachelor's degree from a regular American university. Then there's Steve Jobs, the divergent outlier forever shattering our understanding of what it takes to be successful in business (he didn't have a college degree). Keep in mind though that 97% of executives were married, which somewhat indicates that these successful people understand the need to have support through the trials of rising to the top.

One other things successful business leaders do is read. They are continually educating themselves, never falling behind even as their industries continually change. Sharpen your knowledge today by reading the Introduction to Closed-Loop Marketing. You can download the ebook here.

Introduction To Closed-Loop Marketing Ebook

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