These are 6 seemingly great perks of being a startup business owner.
1. You get to drink all the coffee you want.
The best part about this perk? No judging. Your coffee drinking addiction habit is completely warranted.
2. You don’t waste time sleeping.
Instead of taking a nap, you can just drink more coffee. Everybody wins!
3. You don't waste time eating.
When you own a startup, you don’t just own a startup. You eat, drink, and breath your startup. Seriously, why waste time eating when you could be working at the same time?
4. Blazers.
You’re a fancypants business owner now, so you get to wear fancypants clothes.
5. You have a new vocabulary.
Seed round, Series A, bootstrap, disrupt, pivot... all of these are new phrases you can insert into your vernacular so that people know what you're about. Use them frequently and often.
6. You make your own hours.
This is a seriously great perk. Now instead of the regular 9 to 5, you can work 6 am to 10 pm! Or 5 am to 9 pm! Or 3 am to 5 pm! The possibilities are endless.
What are some other perks of being a startup business owner?
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