5 Tricks That Will Make You Like Mondays


We all know those people, have read those articles, and seen those inspiring videos that profess the astute glory of Mondays as they, “bring a fresh start!” But for a lot of us, the harsh truth is that it’s the first day back at work after a presumably awesome weekend and you may actually prefer to be in bed right now. And that’s okay, you’re human. What’s important is that you’re here, and you’re going to make yourself like Mondays with these five tricks. Because that’s what winners do.
5 Tricks That Will Make You Like Mondays

1. Prep On Sunday Night

This is a given, but something often overlooked. Getting your schedule in order, responding to urgent emails, picking out an outfit, and pre-preparing your breakfast and lunch can go a seriously long way to make your morning run as smooth as possible. Every bit helps and will cushion whatever curve balls Monday can throw at you if all the little things are in place.

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2. Reserve A Special Treat

Have pancakes for lunch, call a good friend for a catchup, go barefoot for the whole day, you name it! Humans are creatures of habit, and by allowing yourself to consistently enjoy something only on Monday will condition you to look forward to this day. Plus you need to call your friends more, Dave misses you.

3. Try Not To Schedule Anything Too Stressful

Keyword being try, but if possible, try not to put anything on the calendar for Monday that can give you a major headache. Mondays are big planning days as is (I’m not suggesting you don’t have any meetings as you start your week) and often times set the tone for how you take on the next four days; that difficult client can wait until Tuesday. (If unavoidable, refer to trick #1.)

4. Say Happy Monday To Other People

The brain is a funny thing. Smiling when you’re upset or angry can actually lighten your mood, the same way saying positive things out loud can make you believe them and feel better. By making yourself wish those around you a Happy Monday, or starting off your emails with the phrase, it will begin to resonate. Kind of a fake it till you make it thing, but we’ll take it!

5. Caffeine

A lot of it. 

These are things that I have found helpful in my ever-persistent journey to being a better person in general when Monday rolls around. It can be hard to get back in the groove, and the start of the week can be a heartless wench at times. Together, WE CAN BE that annoying person who loves Monday! Are you with me?! Now go decide which shoes you’re going to wear and put Dave on speed dial, because tomorrow is about to be a great day.

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