5 Things You Should Know Before Setting Up Your Hubspot CRM


5 Things You Should Know Before Setting Up Your Hubspot CRMHubspot CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is essential to building an effective inbound marketing and sales plan. We highly recommend getting set up with the HubSpot CRM, but there are several things your business should understand and do before jumping right in.

SEE ALSO: 3 Reasons The HubSpot CRM Is Considered The Most Underrated CRM

Your Buyer's Journey

Understanding the buyer's journey and your buyer personas, in particular, is essential to creating high-value inbound funnels and for using the Hubspot CRM. The buyer's journey is the process by which buyers go from initial awarness all the way to making a choice to buy your product and later becoming brand advocates.

The buyer's journey includes how customers are finding your site, who the trusted brand advocates are in your target market, how customers decide to make a decision, and finally what it takes to follow up with them after they are customers. When you look through the entire process from awareness to brand advocate and create a system for managing and inspiring positive interactions, this is the basis for great inbound marketing. 

What Value Can You Add To Your Customers?

The basis of inbound marketing and the design of Hubspot's CRM capabilities is to give value to customers until they are willing and able to commit to a purchase. Rather than seeking to provide information that convinces people to buy, an inbound marketing campaign provides value to customers through the content that you produce, which in turn, convinces them of the value of your product and service. 

Rather than developing a sales process, you provide a system of information which gives customers the ability to qualify themselves, decide on the product they want, and close themselves with limited pressure from your business. This turns customer sales team members into customer service reps. Your entire marketing and sales team in inbound marketing focuses on providing systems and information that makes your customer's lives easier. 

SEE ALSO: The Top 5 Pros And Cons Of The HubSpot CRM

Integrated Funnels

A sales funnel is the process by which your business collects leads, provides value to them, and converts them into brand advocates. An integrated sales funnel works with your entire marketing and product mix in order to streamline your customer service and marketing processes. 

Setting up integrated funnels and opportunities to convert on your site is the first step to beginning this process. HubSpot has so many tools and integrations that can automate and streamline your sales process from start to finish. 

SEO For Your Website 

Before you work on a CRM, you need to make certain that your website is designed to bring customers into your business. Good SEO systems are designed for both human and bot perusal. Because of this, a website designed with SEO in mind offers technical systems like proper meta tags, titles, keyword density, and human-centered systems like quality content, relevance, and great Call-to-Actions (CTAs). 

SEE ALSO: How to Import Your CRM Contacts into Snapchat

Fundamentals of Content

Great content is essential for building an inbound marketing and sales system. Content needs to deliver the answers to your customers' questions and provide value. While many people are tempted to create "sales" copy, great content for inbound marketing is designed to answer the simplest question a customer asks. "Can you help me?"

Providing high-quality information throughout all your sales and marketing materials, on your website, and through the buyer's journey defines successful inbound marketers. Setting up a great inbound marketing campaign is an essential part of preparing for your Hubspot CRM. Although there are other CRMs that provide better tools for traditional marketing systems, for inbound and content marketing, Hubspot provides the best tools that put everything in one easy-to-use place. 

 To see the full report of the State of Sales Technology, check out HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2016 report. HubSpot surveyed 4,500 professionals to uncover how consumers are changing and companies must evolve. Download the report for ROI benchmarks, global perspectives, and expert insight on how to remain relevant to your customer.

State of Inbound 2016

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