5 Reasons to Write for your Buyers over Google Bots


How do we get the right people to come to our website?

We focus on our buyer personas of course. Buyer personas are semi-fictional characters that marketers create, through research, that represent an ideal customer and help define marketing activities.

5 reasons to Write for your Buyers over Google Bots

Google Bots will only help get you found and improve seo, whereas, a website optimized for your buyer persona will help your visitors turn into leads. Your buyers are the number one priority when it comes to generating content that works.

Fully understanding your Personas help you save time and money. Your content will consistently reach the right people at the right time. When you fail to reach your targeted Persona, gaining feedback is very important in order to enhance your user experience.

When you build a website, you want to keep your user’s experience in mind. This means that you should write out specific goals that your Persona would need to accomplish while surfing your website

Benefits of Writing for your Personas:

1.  You can create a site experience that speaks to them:

While designing your site, always keep your persona’s course of action in mind. Identify a minimum of  4-5 tasks that they would want to perform on your site in order to reach their final accomplishment. You can then create a customer scenario that will allow you to create steps that depict your persona as they attempt to accomplish goals on your site. Guiding them through a specific path on your website will greatly affect your chances of converting them to a delighted customer.

2. You can use the language that they are comfortable with:

The lingo that you use on your site is very important to your user. Do you use informal slang complete with witty remarks? Or are you more old school and prefer formality? Either way, ensuring that you use the language that your personas are comfortable with guarantees that your content will be appropriate, effective and satisfactory.  

3. You can create marketing content/offers that interest them:

Every single thing you produce must speak to your personas; your blog posts, calls to action, sales techniques, product/service departments, etc. By completely understanding them, you are able to tailor your content and offer specific steps to help them satisfy their needs.

5 Reasons to Write for your Buyers over Google Bots

4. It allows you to showcase your company’s culture:

Creating and writing for buyer personas means that you are creating delightful content for actual humans, not google machines. This allows your entire company to creatively and effectively create content that speaks human. You can also humanize your brand to make it reliable and trustworthy. When consumers feel as though your brand speaks to them, they know that you are listening to them and attempting to engage them rather than speak to them.

5. It encourages alignment for the entire company:

Speaking to and creating for your buyer personas encourages consistency throughout your entire company. Every message, blog posts and thank you page will use the same language and style. This also helps to build your company’s credibility and culture.

By focusing on your Persona’s, you increase conversion rates and overall time spent on your website. Content optimized for your buyer persona’s will also be optimized for search engines. Optimizing for your buyer persona’s will provide you with the most valuable thing; customer lifetime value.

Get started on creating your buyer personas now by claiming your ebook below! 

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