3 Keys to Outstanding Inbound Marketing


3 Keys to Outstanding Inbound MarketingInbound Marketing allows you to naturally attract an audience. Therefore, there are always ways to improve your method, and it's important to stay up to date on the latest topics and trends.

Like any marketing method, there are always solutions to excellence. The following are keys to tremendous inbound marketing. Each of these are vital to your Inbound plan, and will help you improve your ROI.

3 Keys to Outstanding Inbound Marketing1. SMART Goals

SMART goals are great for inbound marketing success. They are the bread and butter to Inbound Marketing.

SMART is an acronym for Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound. All of which are essential in the inbound world.  

When diving into any marketing campaign, it is vital to know what you want to receive in return for your marketing efforts. This can be one of the most difficult tasks for marketing personnel. However, it’s important to create tangible goals. And with SMART goals, you’ll be able to do so! 

3 Keys to Outstanding Inbound Marketing2. CONTENT MARKETING

Content marketing helps you delight your customers. As stated above, with inbound you are trying to naturally attract your audience. By creating content and offers that will spike interest, you are ultimately helping your company gain leads. And what’s better than that?!

There are numerous forms of content marketing; it’s vital that your content be attractive and valuable. By creating a blog, you are offering your audience something to read on their own time, this content should also offer useful information for problem solving, or in some cases, special interest.

With blogs, it’s always a great idea to create offers such as eBooks, infographics, guides, charts, etc. These are things that you offer to your readers, and once they download them they will become a lead. Because, now you are able to see that they’re interested, and they’re excited about your content! 

Get A Free Inbound Marketing Plan 3. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION

SEO is something that is all over business headlines as of current. Unless you live under a rock, you probably have heard about Mobilegeddon, AKA Google's new algorithm. Mobilegeddon is all about sites that are not mobile friendly. Ultimately this will decrease the ranking of your site (granted it’s not mobile friendly), thus resulting in lower traffic.  

3 Keys to Outstanding Inbound MarketingIn order to determine if your site is mobile-friendly or not, Google has a testing site. After using this site, you are able to determine if your site is mobile. If it is not, there are several ways to fix the situation. However, the easiest way to optimize your website to be mobile-friendly, is to select a responsive design.  

When creating your site, or editing it for better SEO, a responsive design is of essence. This way, there will be one URL for both mobile and desktop platforms. By using a responsive design you are preparing your site to be friendly on all versions. 

All of the above are 3 keys to outstanding inbound marketing.  It is important have set goals that are reasonable and attainable. With SMART goals, you are able to arrange goals and reach them within your timeline. Also, it is important to push great content.

You audience needs to be attracted to you, and by publishing content of their interest, and following these three keys to inbound, they will be. After all, inbound is all about having delighted customers. Lastly, make sure your website is mobile friendly, the tides are changing in the digital world and you want to make sure you’re on top! 

Sociallyin is a creative digital marketing agency located in the heart of bulldawg country, Starkville, Mississippi. Click here for a free marketing assessment. Thanks for reading

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